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Deal Sheet – Save Carry + Get Access

Alex & Zach here. Thank you for expressing interest in Deal Sheet. As some of you may know, we run two of the largest venture capital syndicates globally in Riverside Ventures & Calm Ventures with ~800 venture capital investments made between us over the last 5 years. 

To share our learnings, we started a newsletter in 2023 called Last Money In on all things venture capital SPVs with the goal to bring transparency and education to the VC SPV asset class. We’ve hit almost 25,000 subscribers within our first year of starting the newsletter - thank you to all who are reading it. 

Last Money In originally started as a side project, but given its growth and interest it has generated in startups, we wanted to figure out how to leverage our knowledge, networks and dealflow, to provide any accredited investor and accredited Last Money In reader, a seamless way to invest in the best opportunities we see. 

This brought us to our first paid product Deal Sheet. We launched Deal Sheet in 2024 as a paid weekly email offering that provides accredited investors:

  1. Access to some of the best startup opportunities across the VC syndicate ecosystem (est. 100-200 deals on Deal Sheet per year) and 

  2. All Deal Sheet deals come at discounted carry – all opportunities on Deal Sheet are listed at 10% carry (versus 20% standard) with select opportunities (at our discretion) at 0% carry. 

Since launching in Q1 2024, we have offered 0% to 10% carry opportunities for almost 100 companies across stages and industries and which include a number of late stage companies such as SpaceX, ScaleAI, Databricks, Anthropic, Lightmatter, Anduril, Kraken, Olipop, You.com, Liquid Death, SeatGeek, Mercury Banking and many more. Right now we’re actually skewing early stage by number of deals but due to confidentiality can’t publicize those broadly. 

As the Deal Sheet owners, we do all of the curation, finding the best venture capital opportunities every week. 

If you’re interested in accessing some of the most interesting startup opportunities from pre-seed to pre-IPO, sign up for Deal Sheet here.


Zach + Alex